
Ship It provides your application with headers which can be used to customize the user's experience based on their identity and subscription tier. For production deployments, be sure to validate the request. Headers will only be present if the user is authenticated.

  • X-User-Email: The email address of the user obtained from Auth0.
  • X-User-Sub: A unique user id obtained from Auth0.
  • X-User-Token: Auth0 access_token for user's session.
  • X-Subscription-Tier: The Stripe Product that the user is subscribed to (or "Free" if not subscribed).
  • X-Subscription-Quantity: The quantity of the Stripe subscription (or 0 if not subscribed).
  • X-Proxy-Signature: Ship It signature (see below).
  • X-Proxy-Timestamp: Timestamp used by Ship It for signature.